Building Communities through Best Loved Hymns
(Rousing Poetry and Song)
Music Talk: Mon 13 January 2025
7 pm (Beirut Time GMT+2 . . . 12 Noon EST)
Speaker: Della C. Henry (English)
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The Talk
Breaking away from Catholicism brought about much more than
theological divides. Martin Luther was well aware that it was important to get
what we would call “buy in” from believers. Thus, the melody-based unison
Gregorian chant during mass was replaced with four-part hymns (songs of praise)
that encouraged every person in the congregation to join in the singing and
heartfully show their lung power to boldly proclaim the new message.
This initial shift (the first hymns were written and
published by Luther in 1524) was followed 200 years later by the extraordinary
Minister Isaac Watts who sought to express the “religious feelings of the
people” also. At about the same time, the enormous Methodist religious movement
brought in simple rhythms and sing-able melodies that are among our most
popular hymns through to today.
Since, of course, Gospel found its place in the late 19th
century that influences new hymn writers and varied musical approaches today.
Join Della to investigate this perspective of Protestant
hymns. As a protestant choral singer from age 6-21, for sure, her personal
experiences add a bit of richness to the discussion. Any questions or
suggestions will be welcome.
Della is a trilingual TedTalk speaker, former
non-profit leader and fundraiser, certified coach, sociologist, former opera
singer, radio host in Brasilia, Brazil, pianist, violinist,
She has filled her life exploring and discovering a
fascinating world given her modest upbringing in the state of
Oklahoma in the U.S.